Target Toys Clearance: More Toys we Found
We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.
Here is another peek at some toys we found on clearance. You can view more toys HERE and the LEGOs we found HERE.
Keep in mind that there is currently a 20% off Cartwheel that is good on clearance toys. Target was pretty clever issuing this Cartwheel before the big 70% off markdown, because when you use the 20% off Cartwheel on an items that is marked down 50% you are saving 60% off the original price.
Here is the math:
$19.99 (original price)
$9.98 (50% off)
-$2.00 (save 20% off with Cartwheel)
Final Price = $7.98
If you wait to buy the item at 70% off you would pay only $5.98 instead of $7.98. I think many people are going to say to themselves “I’m not saving that much more by waiting” and buy the toys now. I do think this will effect how many toys will be left towards the end of the month. Keep in mind the Cartwheel offer excludes LEGO.
I will say that I have noticed a lot more clearance for girls and little ones this year. Let’s hear if you plan to buy your toys now with the Cartwheel or if you just plan on seeing what you can find when they get marked down to 70% off.
It says it excludes Lego, but it worked just fine on a few Lego Duplo sets for me.
It worked on duplos for me too!!!!
Me too!
I went to Target yesterday evening and bought 4 toys with only 1 item being on clearance. I used the 20% off clearance cartwheel and received 20% on all of the toys that I purchased. Maybe there was a glitch in the system last night. . ..
I also went last night and the 20% off cartwheel worked on all the LEGO sets I got.
Same for me- I went last night and it worked on the Lego set I bought.
I used it on Legos and Duplos, too. I combined the 20% cartwheel with a red card (5% off) and pharmacy rewards (5% off). I got $505 worth of toys for $384!
Reporting from No California – I went to Target area and noticed that the duplos and legos were not that significantly cheaper even with the 20% cartwheel discount + my 5% redcard deal. The duplos in this particular store was even marked-up with their clearance pricing ($19.95 for the Duplo dump truck). I recall these were about $15 retail a year ago, and now nearly $20 on clearance! Yikes! And the lego clearance pricing wasn’t that much different than the current cost on Amazon (+/- $1-2).
I did see some OK discounts for Battat and Fisher Price toys, mainly for baby/young toddlers, that might be $1-3 dollar lower than elsewhere.
It was definitely funny to see the other shoppers all pulling out their phones, presumably looking at Cartwheel while I was browsing the toy aisles, lol!