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Target Toy Clearance has Started (Currently 30-50% off) – July 2015

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The semi-annual big unadvertised toy clearance has started at Target. Twice a year (January and July) Target clears out a large portion of their toys to make way for new toys.

In previous years the 70% off markdown has happened the very last week of July. If the same happens this year the markdown should take place on Thursday, July 30th. Please note this is just a guesstimate there is no way to know for sure when it will happen.

This year I have noticed quite a few toys already marked down to 50% off so there is also a good chance that they may mark down more toys in waves this year instead of doing the majority of the toys on the one day.

If you aren’t familiar with this clearance here are a few posts you can read to get you informed. You won’t want to miss this sale, it’s a great way to buy birthday gifts and even get some Christmas shopping done in July.

Here are some things I have found on clearance this time around.   Keep in mind that clearance will vary by location so you may not find the exact same deals at all stores.


I have noticed quite a few infant and toddler toys on clearance this time around.


A good portion of the Hape toys are being marked down.   This is a great brand and I wouldn’t hesitate picking some up for gifts especially if you seem them at 70% off.


Several of the classic Fisher-Price toys have been marked down.


This Fisher-Price puzzle is one of the items I already found marked down to 50% off at my store (Federal Way, WA).


One of my absolute favorite things to pick up at this clearance sale are games.   I noticed almost every store I have been to recently has a nice stock of The Resistance game.   We own this one and we absolutely love it.  It’s a great group game that I highly recommend.   I would even pay full price for this one (but you don’t have too since it’s on clearance).


Another game we love that I noticed on clearance is The Ladybug Game.   Two big thumbs up for this game too.  If you see it at 70% off…grab it!   It will make a great gift.


The majority of the Craftabelle kits and organizers are on clearance.   These were already marked down to 50% off at my store.


We usually find several dolls on clearance at these sales and I noticed several Monster High dolls being marked down.   They will need to make way for the new dolls that will be brought out for Christmas.


For those of you with boys, I didn’t notice as many boy toys at my store this time around.   Hopefully your stores will have more variety.   I did notice these Air Hogs toys.


Sadly, I haven’t seen too many LEGOs on clearance, but I did see this Duplo set marked down to 50% off.

If you want to stay in the loop regarding this sale make sure you follow All Things Target on Facebook and Instagram.

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  1. Vi and Va dolls have been marked down the last few weeks. One store had them for 50% off while another had them for only 30% off.

  2. So like in January due to the high volume of people shopping I had to buy when things were marked at 50% because things didn’t last in stores to be marked 70% So what do you recommend I’m seeing things at 30% in my area North Texas area.

    1. Have the same thing here in west central texas, stores don’t seem to be buying as much to have on clearance and people buy earlier so just go with your gut is it worth it to get it for sure or get the lowest price you possibly can and miss out?

  3. The Target nearest me has many of their Leap Frog items 50% off. I just bought a LeapPad XDI Ultra for $65, usually $130.

  4. Hi Cartwheel has 20% off all clearance toys. There are exceptions like Legos. This is good til the 12th.

  5. I got MegaTiles for 50% off yesterday in St. Louis. Could I redeem the 20% off if I go back tomorrow?!

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