DIY Floral Hoop Wreath
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I’ve been wanting to make a hoop wreath for a while now. When I saw all the faux flowers and greenery Target put out in the Dollar Spot I knew it was finally time. If you’re trying to avoid trips to the store right now, I’ve included links to similar items you can add to your next Amazon order.
You’ll need:
- 19″ floral hoop
- garland ($5 from Target’s Dollar Spot)
- various flower picks ($3 each from Target’s Dollar Spot)
- floral tape ($1 from Target’s Dollar Spot)
- scissors
Grab the bottom of a flower stem and pull gently. It should tear apart from the garland pretty easily.
Do the same with each bunch of leaves on the garland.
Cut small bunches of flowers and leaves apart from the white floral pick.
Now it is time to start arranging everything on the hoop. Arrange the leaves from the garland until it is as full as you like.
Start from the center and work your way outward to attach each bunch of leaves. Just wrap a small amount of floral tape around the leaves and hoop. You’ll secure it better later.
Now decide where you want the flowers and then attach them with the floral tape.
I added one of the larger leaves from the white flowers to each side of the wreath.
Now add in the white flowers.
The back will look a little messy, but don’t worry about it because we’re going to clean it up.
Make sure everything is where you want it. If it isn’t, make adjustments now. When you’re happy with how it looks, you’ll secure everything to the wreath by wrapping the floral tape as cleanly as you can around the back.
This is one of those DIYs you really can’t mess up. Use your favorite flowers and create something that makes you smile!
Analisa is a mom and avid DIYer. Along with her family, she will travel anywhere just to say she’s been. She writes about creating, parenthood, and her family’s adventures at Parental Perspective. She’d love to meet you so feel free to visit her on Instagram or Facebook and say hello!