
Target: Possible Hidden Easter Item at 90% off (Lip Smackers)

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A big thanks to reader M for letting me know about these Lip Smackers items that she found in with the other lip gloss items. These are part of the Easter clearance and are ringing up at 90% off, so they are only $ .39 each. Wow! What a super deal!

Please keep in mind that very soon the Easter items will be salvaged and when they are these items will come up “item not found” and probably won’t be able to be sold anymore. If you are heading to Target tomorrow it may be your last chance to look for these. I thought it was too good of a deal not to mention.

Let us know if you have found other “hidden” Easter clearance deals.

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  1. Chima bagged Legos, round hello kitty hair brush, singing Barbie hairbrush, princess shaped bags with hair accessories, princess gloss watch+cellphone set, small bubbles with jellybean printed bottle, dora purple super ball & Barbie or Ninja Turtle earbud head phones are ALL where regular items are found (toy + beauty isle) and ALL are ringing up 90% off!!!

  2. I got all of those things as well as hot wheel cars. They say Easter on the side it’s a 5 pack. Princess glittery wands, Easter Disney memory, spring UNO, bubble guns reg 2.99 found on water you isle and baby rattles say little jack and little Jill

  3. Found Barbie slap watches, pokemon card cube, Jake and Neverland Pirate camera, Barbie toy camera, writing boards all for .50 cents each. first they were ringing regular price but was in the Easter section so the sales guy honored the 90% sign. I love Target!

  4. Anyone knows if the 90% off items are still being found at target stores?.. I did not get a chance to go to Target the past few days…. Thanks!

  5. Yes they are. It depends on the quantity for your location. I went to two stores today. One had the easter aisle cleared and the other still had two aisles. Both had stuff ringing at 90% today. You just need to check all the aisles in toys for hidden finds. I was able to get a lot of items at the one that cleared the aisles. Must have put a lot back in the toys section. Look for items hanging. I found the barbies with easter ears. Happy hunting.

    1. liz h, thank you!!.. I hope I get these deals at my local target.. may I ask which location target store you checked today? thanks again..

  6. Are the spring Oreos going to get marked down? One of my local stores moved them to the Easter section but didn’t mark them down. Seems like a tricky way of getting them off the shelves regular price. :/

  7. I also found some 2pack Strawberry Sorbet and Passion Fruit EOS lip balms that are ringing up 90% off! The package has tulips on it

  8. Issaquah, WA Target was pretty much cleaned out other than tons and tons of candy that was very tempting to buy but I didn’t get any. lol I did get some goldfish crackers in the little milk carton type boxes that were .29 each. They were in the actual Easter clearance. Didn’t find the lipglosses in the easter nor in the endcap where they display the Lip Smackers. Looked on the bargain endcaps too but no go. Good score tho on the crackers since I babysit. 🙂

  9. Quisiera que me mandaran por correo cuando va a ser cada sale de cada temporada para poder ir a comprar ,porque yo vivo en Monterrey ,Nuevo León México. GRACIAS.

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