More Target 90% off Shopping Trips
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Wow! I asked for you all to share your photos, and that you did!! I wish I could share them all, but I received over 100 photos. I am sharing a few here, but you can view more by checking out the #allthingstarget hashtag on Instagram or by checking out the All Things Target Facebook page, there are lots posted over there. Just click on the “Recent Posts by Others” category and scroll through all the pictures.
We will probably see the Christmas items get salvaged on Tuesday or Wednesday so there won’t be too much longer to search for deals. Here are a few shopping trips and a few more hidden finds.
Stefanie found these Goody hair accessories ringing up at 90% off, but it gets even better, because this week all the Goody hair accessories are buy 2 get 1 FREE. The free offer even worked on these clearance items!
Wendy was able to find these hidden deals ringing up at 90% off. I haven’t seen many of these item before, so make sure you take a close look.
Jacklyn shared these princess dolls and baby dolls. She found that the babies with barcode sending in 4 are ringing up at $0.34!
Reader Caity sent in this photo, I am jealous of the Star Wars glasses she found.
Here is what Ashley pick up at 90% off. Check out the MLB totes with blankets, I have heard from several people that have found these at 90% off.
Check out all the small toys Glenda was able to find at 90% off.
Check out all the ornaments Nellie was able to pick up! Here is the great part, she actually decorates trees, wreaths and more as her business. She will be using all of these to make money. She shared some of her designs with me via email and they are gorgeous!!
Oh wow! I am totally amazed by how much great stuff people find! I feel like my local Targets are picked over even at 50% time! Great finds!
by the time it reaches 90% here the only thing left is Justin Bieber stuff
Can I just say how obsessed I have been with your site lately. I have stalked it several times a day for your updates, including your FB page. I have been obsessed with All things Target :). Thanks for all you do for us savvy shoppers.
Found lots of pink and red slippers in the girls underwear section mixed in with Valentines stuff! .39 each!
Mindy, are these slipper socks or just slippers? what does the packaging look like? I need some sock slippers would love to find the ones for 39 cents. TIA
Do the food/candy items ever drop below 70%?
They used to, I got Oreos last year for $0.29. Not so anymore, though.
I was able to purchase a bunch of Christmas food and candy for 90% in Oregon while on vacation. Wish I had had more room in my suitecase. This was about four days ago.
Anybody know what garden ridge christmas is marked down to?
Called my target and was told that the christmas items are being salvaged in the 9th.
where do they send whatever is left?