Readers’ Target Clearance Finds
We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.
Once again we thought it would be fun to share a bunch of photos of some super clearance deals our readers have recently scored!
Wow! Check out all the great camping gear April found at 70% off.
Amanda spotted this camping/beach chair down to 70% off. This will come in handy all year round!
Marlene scored this really cool Radio Flyer Classic Walker Wagon for 70% off and priced at only $20.48. Later she found the Radio Flyer All-Terrain Wagon also marked down to 70% off.
Heather’s store had a TON of toys for 70% off! Below you can see all of the other super toy items she picked up.
LolaMae found a couple of great Star Wars items, the Escape from Jakku was $11.98 (reg $39.99) and The Death Star was $14.98 (reg $49.99). Below you can see the breakdown of all of the other items LolaMae brought home.
- Furbacca was 20.98 (reg $79.99)
- Everest paw patrol zoomer was $20.98 (reg $69.99)
- Tmnt advent calendars 7.98 (reg $29.99)
- Monkey Temple $14.98 (reg $49.99)
- Palace pets $14.98 (reg $49.99)
- Ever after doll $5.98 (reg $19.99)
Tanya was able to find bikes for her twins birthday at 70% off. They were $23.98 each.
Lisa found this Star Wars Air Hogs Millennum Falcon toy on clearance at her store.
Kristi picked up this cute Play-Doh set for only $2.98 (reg $9.99).
Lisa was thrilled when her 3 year old son who is trained at finding the “red stickers” found this LEGO Duplo set hiding on the bottom self not with any other clearance toys. This set was 50% off.
Nancy was really happy to find this super cute Minnie Mouse Table recently marked down to 30% off and priced at $17.48 (reg $24.99).
We always get a kick out of seeing all of the excellent clearance deals you find! Feel free to submit your photos any of the following ways:
- Post photos directly on the All Things Target Facebook page
- Share them on Instagram by tagging @allthingstarget or with the #allthingstarget hashtag
- Email them to [email protected]
Thanks Danna for the heads up and picture!