Fabric Loft Available at Select Target Locations
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Select Target stores will now be carrying fabric!! The fabric comes in 3 different textures burlap, canvas and cotton.
There are 4 different color/pattern groups. I love the one pictured above, it’s so bright and cheery!
You can check to see of Fabric Loft is carried at your Target location. For those that are local it will be carried at our Issaquah and Woodinville locations.
If you don’t have a location that carries the fabric you can purchase the Fabric Loft items online at Target.com.
Thanks Crazy Little Projects and My Frugal Adventures.
Thank you so much for sharing our Fabric Loft fabric with your readers! I’m with Fabric Editions, the makers of Fabric Loft fabric, feel free to email me if you have any questions about the fabric lines and their availability at Target. We appreciate the support!
Thank you,