Personalized Gift Ideas Under $25 with The Good Patch

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This post is sponsored by The Good Patch, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

The holidays were always meant to be a season of joy. And peace. You know, silent nights, and all that. So why is it always at least a little bit stressful? One of the biggest culprits: gift–giving. You want everything to be personal and meaningful, but somehow it’s already mid-November and there just doesn’t seem to be enough time for something extravagant. Enter: The Good Patch. To me, this hits the sweet spot of gifting because it’s both personalizable and simple. This unique wellness product comes in a wide variety of patches so you can tailor your gift to the recipient and their interests. We’ve rounded up a few creative ideas to go with some of our favorite patches so you can gift thoughtful gifts (all under $25!) with ease. 

But first, let’s talk about The Good Patch. What is it exactly? The Good Patch designs wearable wellness patches made with trusted plant botanicals. Each patch is designed to meet a specific need and help you feel your very best. The Good Patch strives to make wellness convenient. All you have to do is peel, stick, and feel! Place the patch on any venous area (like the inside of the wrist) and you’re good to go! So, let’s get into it! 

For the Jetsetter

If you’ve got someone on your list who’s always on-the-go, odds are they could benefit from the B12 Awake Patch. Traveling can be exhausting and sometimes you need a little extra boost to make that connecting flight. We’ve paired the B12 Awake Patch with this Open Story Neck Pillow to help them feel their best throughout their travels. 

For the Nap Enthusiast

We all have that one friend who just loves to be curled up, catching some extra zzz’s. For them, we’ve paired the Dream Patch with these super soft Stars Above Slippers! Give the gift of some quality shut-eye!

For the Self Care Junkie

We all have those days that take a little more out of us than normal and for some, the best remedy is a slow and calm evening to unwind. Give the gift of zen with the Relax Patch and the Casaluna Tranquility Candle!

For the Out-All-Nighter

We came up with this one while thinking of that one extrovert friend who loves going out! We’ve paired the Rescue Patch with this Jade Roller so you can help them feel their best after an exciting night out! 

For the College Student

Whether it’s a roommate, child, or friend, we all probably know someone who’s in the thick of it with their education. Help them get their head in the game during this busy time with the Think Patch and this beautiful Bookbound Journal.

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