
More Target School Supply Clearance Shopping Trips

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school supplies 1

I kind of have a weakness for school supplies, so I decided to head to my closest Target (Kent,WA) yesterday and I am so glad I did. They have TONS of school stuff left. I was able to stock up on the following items (I have 5 kids, so we go through these fast):

  • Sprial Notebooks $.05
  • Comp Books $.05

All of the LEGO Chima items were $.90 and those will be for my son for his birthday or Christmas.

All of the Crayola Dry Erase items were $1.10 and those will be for my nephew for his birthday.

school supplies 2

I was kind of excited to find Washi Tape at 70% off.   The 4-packs were only $1.20.     I also am really happy with the Crayola twistable erasable color pencils!

school supply storage boxes

I stock up on school supplies when they are on sale and clearance so we can replenish what we run out of throughout the year. I have these boxes that I store above my washer and dryer that store all the extras.

inside boxes

Here is a look inside a couple of the boxes.

Below you will find lots of readers shopping trips:

trip julie south america

Check out everything Julie found! This is what she had to say:

I’m going on a mission trip to South America next month and they requested school and craft supplies! So blessed to have found so much! (completely not normal for my Target)

trip Ysha

Here is what Ysha said:

This are the things I got from the clearance at my Target store. Nothing much left but some of this will be donated at our YMCA daycare where my son go.

trip jennie

Here are the 70% off items Jennie found at her store!

trip Van

Reader Van found this laminator at 70% off. What a score!

trip Amy

Here are the items that Amy found at the Woodinville Target.

I will share more photos tomorrow, I’ve got lots more photos coming in. I love seeing your shopping trips!

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  1. This may be a really dumb question, but does any one know the regular price of the $.05 spiral notebooks? There weren’t any stickers on the ones I bought, so I can’t do the regular price/clearance price comparison.

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