Homemade Cloud Dough Sensory Activity
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Back to school time at Bullseye’s Playground is always a hit. I can find amazing educational tools for my kids and storage solutions for myself. These alphabet and number erasers were just what I needed to create an engaging sensory activity for my preschooler.
You’ll need:
- alphabet and/or number erasers ($1 each from Bullseye’s Playground)
- reusable zippered pouches ($1 each from Bullseye’s Playground)
- cornstarch
- conditioner
- bowl and fork
So, projects don’t always go as planned. See those slime kits I have crossed out? I found them for $3 in the dollar spot and thought, “Perfect! Clear slime would be so fun! The kit will take all the mess out of making slime.” Wrong. Save your money. I followed the instructions but ended up with very watery (barely) slime. That wasn’t going to work so I went with plan b: two ingredient cloud dough.
This cloud dough is crazy easy to make and you likely have both ingredients at home. You’re going to add one part conditioner to two parts cornstarch. In this case I put 1/2 a cup of cornstarch in a bowl and added 1/4 cup conditioner. The conditioner doesn’t have to be fancy, but you will want to pick something that smells good.
Mix it up with a fork until it is nice and combined.
Pick it up and work it with your hands. If the consistency is off you can add more cornstarch (if it is too sticky) or more conditioner (if it falls apart too much) a tiny bit at a time.
At this point the cloud dough was ready for my little guy to play with. I handed him the dough and some letters and let him explore.
There is no right or wrong way to play with the cloud dough and letters. The erasers are sturdy enough to be mixed in the dough. You can even push them in to create some neat imprints. Honestly, I know my oldest will love to play with this as a fun way to work on his spelling.
I love picking up these reusable zippered pouches. I added some vinyl to label them since they’re so great for storage.
Remember, you can add so much more than alphabet erasers to the cloud dough. Cloud dough makes fun terrain for small cars. Walk dinosaur figures through it and check out their footprints. Use cookie cutters like you would with any other playtime dough. My preschooler loves playing with cloud dough and I hope yours will too!
Analisa is a mom and avid DIYer. Along with her family, she will travel anywhere just to say she’s been. She writes about creating, parenthood, and her family’s adventures at Parental Perspective. She’d love to meet you so feel free to visit her on Instagram or Facebook and say hello!