Get a Year of Natural Health Magazine for only $4.99
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Get a year subscription to Natural Health Magazine for just $4.99. Choose up to 3 years at this special rate. To get the discount, simply click “add to cart” and enter promo code THRIVING at checkout. Offer expires Tuesday, August 26, at 8:59 PM PST.
This magazine is for people interested in alternative health, natural living, the mind-body-spirit connection and self-care. Topics include vitamins, fitness, herbs, foods that heal, home remedies, new products, recipes and prevention.
Be sure to confirm the price is correct, before finalizing your order. Hop on over to Discountmags to check out other great magazines they have to offer.
Hi, say it expires Thursday the 26th. Is it Tues the 26th or Thurs the 28th?
Yes, I meant Tuesday the 26th, not Thursday, thanks so much for catching that.