Target Baby Clearance: Few Stores Reporting 70% off (most store should go next week)
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I don’t want to get you all excited, but I have received a few reports of baby equipment being marked down to 70% off. I know my store in Kent, WA is still 50% off as of today (Monday 1/28). I am guessing the stores that went 70% off today were marked down to 50% off 2 weeks ago. The majority of the stores just recently went 50% off a week ago, so I am assuming the rest of us should see 70% off markdown happen next Monday, February 4th. Keep your fingers crossed!
Most people have reported finding the Baby Jogger City Micro Stroller at 70% off. These come in a plain brown box with no picture on them, so you will want to keep an eye out for them. These retail at Target stores for $199.99, and are marked down to $50.04.
I had to call around to a few stores to see if they still had any. I heard a lot of, “no, all out. Sorry”. However, I decided to go and see for myself! Good thing, the sales people had no idea what they were looking for!! I got mine at 75% off in Hagerstown, MD!!!
My store also had single joggers, sit n stands, high chairs, a double “frame” stroller for car seats and a crib!
There were 9 at my store this morning (Clackamas, OR) at 75% off…$50.04 each!
@Sam: NICE!!
Is this a good jogging stroller? The wheels look kinda small.
Liv -I’ve had a lot of strollers(8, at one point so I consider myself generally knowledgeable about strollers), although not this particular one. I think people generally consider this a good everyday stroller, but not jogging or uneven terrain. You need big wheels and a front wheel that can lock in place (non swiveling) for safe jogging.
I got mine for $55 about 5 weeks ago. I have been keeping my eyes open at other stores for another one. Now, I must drive to every target in the area to see if they are on sale now 🙂
my store in tyler, tx says it is sold on line only???
I just bought two last night from a Target in Westminster, CA. We were on our way back from Disneyland and I was tempted to stop by the Target by Disneyland, but didn’t. Passed another Target on the way home and said what the heck – I didn’t want to drive out of my way to check, especially if I’m already passing it. They had a couple of cribs and two more strollers, a changing table and a swing – all at 50% off. The strollers were $50 each, so they were marked down 75%. I’m plannin on checking a few other Targets that are closer to our area today. Hoping to find some great deals because we’ve quite a few baby showers to attend to this year!
Disneyland and 75% off strollers, you are one lucky girl!
I was able to snatch up 4 of these awesome stroller… One for myself and 3 for upcoming baby showers! I also received 2 of the 20% off baby item coupon from the target machine, giving me a savings of $10 off each stroller!
It says online that you get a $25 gift card with purchase of a Baby Jogger City Micro – anyone had any luck with that?