Reader’s Target Valentine’s 90% off Clearance Finds
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Here are some reader’s Target Valentine’s clearance finds! I really enjoy seeing what super deals others are able to score at their Target stores.
Young found all these Lip Smackers sets in the make-up section where they have the Hello Kitty items at her Target. These rang up at only $.49 each. That is such a super deal!
Nicole made a nice haul, she got all this for only $26.
Shannon spotted a hidden clearance deal in the toddler section. What for shirts with Super Heroes, Ninja Turtles and more.
Here are Sharon90% off finds. She found a cute dog and cabbage patch doll that I haven’t noticed before.
Ashley’s 90% off clearance finds included, t-shirts, small barbie dolls, Star Wars cards, Angry Bird plush toys and more.
Vickie found these cake pop sticks at 90% off, they were only $.19. Check the regular kitchen department for these.
Vickie was on a roll and was able to find a whole box of K’Nex Pac Man figures for only $.49.
Michelle got a sweet deal on these Heart shaped rugs, they were only $1.99 (reg $19.99). Be sure to check out her blog Le Hoarder for other great deals she found, she found so many great things!
Wendy ALWAYS finds so many great deals at her Target stores. She once again scored some great 90% off deals.
Oh man… So jealous of their finds 😉 .. No not really… I only miss the heart shaped baking pan… All the other stuff I can live without. Just got back from Target, spent 10 saved 80…. Wish I knew about the lipgloss stuff too.
Thank you for posting so many pictures! Now I know what to look for! It is soooo helpful to the rest of us!
Yes I agree, thank you all for posting pics, I would not have half the stuff w/out your help! I have 3 young children and they will appreciate the crafty items I got for them! Amongst the Sofia and mega blocks toys I found for 90% off, I found three cupcake stands for a little Over 5 bucks each at 70% off. Candy was also at 70-perfect for my pinata next month- Mahalo everyone for the help, especially on the heads up for 70% and 90% days! I’m hooked!
It really is helpful seeing what other people have found, espicially when they start moving stuff out of the holiday section. I got a few items at 70% that I knew weren’t likely to remain (Mega Block People, Disney and Dr. Seuss merchandise). I was able to score the table runner for under a $1.00 though and the geometric heart bags at 90% off. I’m planning on using them as wall art for her toddler room so I was happy to find them. The first store I went to didn’t even have them left at 70% off. I found the selection for Valentines Day to be much better than Christmas this year
Really, I thought the opposite, Christmas collection was so much better, there were very few nice items that I really wanted this time, of course my store wAs out of them even before clearance hit 50% 🙁
will candies be at 90% Off? thank you!
Thanks for the shout out for my blog 🙂 Love yours! I’ve been Target hunting for years and now I check your Facebook page before every trip 🙂