Save Money by Buying Stocking Stuffers Year Round
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One of the ways I save money on Christmas is by shopping year round. I like to buy little stocking stuffers year round and store them in a basket in my closet. I have also previously used a bin before that I kept hidden in the garage. When Christmas rolls around I have all of the stocking stuffers I need already purchased and most of the items were FREE or at least 70% off.
I am sharing some of the items that are currently in my Stocking Stuffer basket:
Holiday Clearance: You can find many items that are great for stocking stuffers that are from almost any of the holiday clearance sales like Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween and more.
School Supply Clearance: I love hitting up the school supply clearance every year, because it’s a great time to stock up on art supplies, pens and other items that are great to put in stockings.
Dollar Spot Clearance:
Every Day Clearance: I always keep my eyes open for clearance deals when I head to Target.
Coupon Deals: Many items that I get with coupons head into my stocking stuffer basket, especially fingernail polish that I get for FREE after coupons. My daughter loves fingernail polish.
I really like to stock up on items year round not only because it saves money, but also it means there is less running around to do when Christmas sneaks up on me.
I’d love to hear if you also shop ahead of time for stocking stuffers (and Easter basket fillers). Where do you store the items you buy?
I do too!
I do the same! I purchase items year-round so that when Christmas time hits, my budget isn’t too badly impacted! I especially love stocking up for Christmas during the Target 70% off toy clearance sale. (Also, when the 70% toy clearance sale happens early in the year.. I stock up for my kiddos’ birthdays in April.. their birthdays are only 2 weeks apart!) Other sales like Kmart’s $1.99/$3.99 toy clearance sale is a great one too. I found TONS of $40+ Lego sets, Disney Princess toys, etc. for only $1.99 or $3.99! I loaded up my shopping cart!
I have a closet in my home dedicated as my “gift closet”. It may be a little extreme to some, but I was a VERY sneaky child that liked to snoop around the house during the holidays so that I could try to catch a glimpse of what I was getting for Christmas/birthday! So, I actually have a mini padlock on the closet as well so there is no room for my mini-me’s to snoop. 🙂 It works well for us. In actuality, if Christmas was tomorrow.. we’d be all set because of how much I accumulate year-round. I get quality gifts at a FRACTION of the price people can end up paying last minute during the holidays.
ALSO, this is GREAT for all the birthdays my kids get invited to. No need to stress about buying last minute gifts when money is tight.. just go to the gift closet & pick something!
When does Kmart have the $1.99/$3.99 sale? I’d love to get in on that.
It was back in July (although I was told they do it every year around that time.. not sure if it is true or not). Here is a link to one of the sites I follow for good deals (the photos are actually from me.. just SOME of the stuff I was able to find for either $1.99 or $3.99!):
Note: Some of the others were tons of Bratz dolls, Winx doll sets (normally $39.99), Lego sets, Kreo lego sets, Spiderman sets, etc.
wow, i wish I had a kmart close by.. though I LOVE MY TARGET and its clearance. I spend ridiculous amount of time and money in there and SAVE A TON. Most of the clearance stuff I buy is almost 70% off or 90%. The best part is when I later see the same items in another store or later in Target at full price.. I feel really happy with myself. 🙂 I have been a SAHM since having my kids, shopping/couponing and cooking/blogging have been the source of my daily stimulation (as if the kids weren’t enough in themselves) 😉
One year old hit enter before I could finish! It is nice to know that I am not the only one who has Christmas, stocking stuffers and birthdays done WAY in advance!
Hi Everyone!
I’ve been a long time lurker/fan of this website and the blogs.
I love bargains. Heather I do the same with a “toy” closet and fill it with great gifts so we are ready. We don’t celebrate Christmas (Jewish), but Bdays, Hannukah etc…., so thank you for the Kmart tip. 🙂
Thanks to you all for the hard work and research you do so we can save!
Hey, you’re welcome!! 🙂
I do too! I was shocked to see tiny Star Wars lego bags and Princess jewelry sets for 70% off in the Halloween clearance. Scooped them right up! The only bad part is remembering what I actually bought since I space it out so much 🙂
I have an app on my phone that makes you type in a passcode to view any photos I take with my phone. So I don’t forget what I buy, I snap a photo of it when I buy it and put it in the password protected folder on my phone. 🙂
I am already ready from Christmas. I have been buying stocking stuffers and presents all year long. I bought most of my stocking stuffers on 90% off seasonal at target, most I found “hidden” and you can not tell they are seasonal.
I have a 2 yr old and an infant that will be one three days before Christmas. When I was pregnant with #2 i started buying Christmas gifts well in advance so that it would be done since I was due right around then. I loved doing it that way and will even more now that I have two kids, esp with one born so close to Christmas.
Love all the comments on this post! Thanks for all the helpful info. and tips!
All the time! I sometimes get them at thrift stores too, many things are still new and the kids never know!