3 FREE Evol Products
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You can get a select Evol products for FREE at Target when you use the $1/1 printable coupon and submit $7 mail in rebate when you buy 3 items.
Evol Flatbread Breakfast Sandwiches $1.99 (sale price through 9/2) ~ Buy 3
(3) $1/1 printable coupon (need 2 computers)
Submit $7.00 Mail-in Rebate (when you buy 3 products)
Final Price = 3 FREE
Evol Burritos $2.00 (sale price through 9/2) ~ Buy 3
(3) $1/1 printable coupon (need 2 computers)
Submit $7.00 Mail-in Rebate (when you buy 3 products)
Final Price = 3 FREE
You can also grab the Evol Single Serve Meals for only $.17 with the following deal:
Evol Single Serve Meals $3.50 (sale price through 9/2) ~ Buy 3
(3) $1/1 printable coupon (need 2 computers)
Submit $7.00 Mail-in Rebate (when you buy 3 products)
Final Price = $.17 each